Here’s the deal–I’m weird about music. When my husband and I moved in together, he thought it was SO strange that I had lived most of my life in silence. I NEVER had background music playing and rarely listened to it in the car either. I’m not sure if my home life growing up played a part in this or what, but I’ve just always preferred silence over noise. The only time I actually listen to music is when I’m running or dancing (which oddly enough for a non-music lover, I love to do). My husband however, along with the majority of normal people in the world, use music in lots of other aspects of their lives. As I’m starting to learn from my husband and other music in the classroom advocates such as Ron Clark, music has the ability to energize, mellow, lift moods, encourage reminiscing, and enforce habits. Therefore, one of my goals for this school year is to add music each day.
2. Pop Songs Rewritten as Shakespearian Sonnets– Have you seen these??? They crack me up. My students did this activity the last time we studied Shakespeare, and it was AWESOME.
Here’s another idea to promote music and analytical thinking: What would ______________ have on his or her playlist? You can add rigor by having them use evidence to prove their song selections.
7. Music to pep up a class– If a class is lethargic, Pandora’s “Today’s Hits” will normally play some good clean classroom music that will add some energy to the room.
Olivia Gold says
I'm so excited about these ideas! My music-teacher husband and I might have to collaborate on a couple of them this year. 🙂
Ashley says
I think my husband wishes he had married a woman with an appropriate taste in music 😉 haha Let me know how your students like them! Thank you!
Bailey Ebbitt says
I have 4th grade but I will try all of these if I have to! I love them! Students learning without them knowing it 😉 Plus, it's effective without teachers having to use a ton of money/resources!! Genius! Thanks a million for your posts!
Romana says
Thanks so much for sharing! Lots of thanks for this post. I think it is a very good post. It helps us many away. So many many thanks for this article.Home Improvement
Sarina says
Do you think the Daily Grammar through music would work for 6th grade?
Ashley Million Bible says
No, I'm afraid this is too advanced for 6th grade. 🙁
Aniqa Rajput says
Though they usually release an outstanding track, but being successful becomes impossible for them.
ArticleSpot says
There is a unique sequencing innovation attributed to these sounds. They are certainly a stage over the monophonic tones. free video background music