As someone who grew up in a fire and brimstone church, I found that teaching "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" by Jonathan Edwards hit a little too close to home. Even without the vivid imagery and detailed descriptions, I can picture exactly what it would be like to sit in a pew and hear this historical Puritan sermon. I can also now appreciate just how much there is to learn from different ... Read More about 5 Activity Ideas for Teaching Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God
How to Make Classroom Decor Bundles in Canva
Have you ever walked into a classroom and felt instantly inspired by the environment? That’s the magic of great classroom decor! A visually appealing classroom makes school a pleasant place to learn and creates a welcoming space that fosters engagement and creativity. So, let’s dive into how you can transform your classroom into a calm and cohesive learning space by making your classroom decor ... Read More about How to Make Classroom Decor Bundles in Canva
Poetry Analysis How To Activities and Acronym
Teaching poetry analysis is not an easy task. If you are like me, you’ve sneakily Googled things like “poetry analysis of The Road Not Taken” minutes before class just to make sure you have the “right” answer. Then, moments later, you ~may or may not~ have assured your middle or high school students that there are no right or wrong answers in poetry, only interpretations. Ha! So, how can we teach ... Read More about Poetry Analysis How To Activities and Acronym
After Testing Activities for Middle and High School
Testing week can be stressful for students, teachers, and pretty much the entire school. Though you have prepared all year long, tensions are high and patience is low as teachers struggle to keep students quiet after the test so that they don’t disrupt test takers throughout the school. Then there’s the question of what to do after testing week is over to keep students engaged for the rest of the ... Read More about After Testing Activities for Middle and High School
Romeo and Juliet Activities, Teaching Ideas, and Lessons
I will never forget the first time I read Romeo and Juliet. Fear is a memory maker. I was a freshman who didn’t attend middle school with the rest of my classmates, so I was new, shy, and worried that I wasn’t as smart as everyone else. My 9th-grade English teacher was almost as intimidating as the language, but she had a knack for teaching Shakespeare. Once she helped me gain comprehension ... Read More about Romeo and Juliet Activities, Teaching Ideas, and Lessons
Meaningful & Fun Activities for Teaching Transcendentalism
Teaching Transcendentalism can be challenging but oh-so rewarding, especially when you can connect Transcendental literature, beliefs, and values to modern (and ancient!) culture. At first, high schoolers might struggle with the movement’s abstract concepts and rigorous texts, but with some guided reading, fun activities, hands-on projects, and meaningful connections, you’ll be able to engage your ... Read More about Meaningful & Fun Activities for Teaching Transcendentalism